The source code for extracting and running the Aarogya Ambulance website locally.
This project is maintained by MehaRima
Be sure to use the exact versions of the softwares/services for optimum performance of the project.
Some functions may not work otherwise.
1.Download the zip file
2.Don’t change any name of the files.
3.Extract the folder aarogya_v1.2
under C:>htdocs
as C:>htdocs>aarogya_v1.2
4.Type this in web browser
5.Go to Xampp control Panel and Start Apache
6.Again,type in browser
7.Create a database: aarogya_v1.2_db
8.Import file: aarogya_v1.2_db.sql in the Import section of the database created.
10.Browse the Aarogya Ambulance Booking Service
Web Application
#### Admin
#### User
` Similarly for the user , create one entry of your own in the database under the table name : tblusers `