BM : Business and Management
S : Specializations
- Dynamic Public Speaking
- Good with Words: Writing and Editing
C : Courses
- Foundations of Project Management
- Agile Organization
- How to Write a Resume (Project Centered Course)
- Research Data Management and Sharing
- Communication Strategies for a Virtual Age
- Introduction to Public Speaking
- Speaking to persuade: Motivating audiences with solid arguments and moving language
- Speaking to Inspire: Ceremonial and Motivational Speeches
- Speaking to inform: Discussing complex ideas with clear explanations and dynamic slides
- Introduction to Enterprise Resiliency
- Writing and Editing: Revising
- Introduction to Project Management
- Writing and Editing: Structure and Organization
- Writing and Editing: Drafting
- Writing and Editing: Word Choice and Word Order
- How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (Project Centered Course)
- The Arts and Science of Relationships: Understanding Human Needs
- Creative Problem Solving
- Big History: Connecting Knowledge
- Psychological First Aid
- Learning How To Learn for Youth
- Social Psychology
- Becoming a changemaker: Introduction to Social Innovation
- Healing with the Arts
- Creative Thinking: Techniques and Tools for Success