LW : Languages and Writings
S : Specializations
- Learn Mandarin Chinese
- Creative Writing
- Learn Spanish: Basic Spanish Vocabulary
C : Courses
- Learn Mandarin Chinese: Capstone Project
- Mandarin Chinese 3: Chinese for Beginners
- Mandarin Chinese 2: Chinese for Beginners
- Mandarin Chinese 1: Chinese for Beginners
- Capstone: Your Story
- Guitar for Beginners
- First Step Korean
- Chinese for Beginners
- Creative Writing: The Craft of Style
- Spanish Vocabulary: Cultural Experience
- Creative Writing: The Craft of Character
- Spanish Vocabulary Project
- Spanish Vocabulary: Sports, Travel, and the Home
- Creative Writing: The Craft of Plot
- Creative Writing: The Craft of Setting and Description
- Spanish Vocabulary: Careers and Social Events
- Spanish Vocabulary: Meeting People